Error Message: 'VM_Name' failed to restore. (Virtual machine ID *-*-*-*-*)
Sample of error messages in Event Viewer
Error 1:
Error 2:
After running Windows Update on Windows Technical Preview (Windows 10), VM stuck in Saved state mode. Cannot Power Off VM or Restore VM in Hyper-V Manager. Kept getting the above error.
1. Open up Hyper-V Manager console
2. Click on the affected VM
3. Go to affected VM's Action column on left of screen
4. Scroll down towards end of the screen
5. You should see Delete VM's Current State
6. Click on it to delete. You will loose all the last settings done in the current stuck saved state frozen VM.
7. Power on VM and it should start normally
Some data will be lost from current saved state VM when you apply this resolution.
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